Exhibition "Tornar a l'Ànima", in the Chapter House of the Sant Cugat Monastery

19 October, 2021

I present in the Chapter House of the cloister of the Monastery of Sant Cugat my new work, "Back to the soul", and the book that illustrates this new work written by Marta Pessarrodona, who has put title and poetry in each of the paintings.

The opening ceremony is chaired by the mayor of the city Ms. Mireia Ingla, the Councillor for Culture, Esther Madrona and the poet Marta Pessarrodona, and we are accompanied by a large number of people linked to the art world, as well as many friends and the general public.

In this collection I have started a new path, as Picasso said: "I do not seek, I find", I did not think it would be so, but one day, surprises of life, I find myself with a different look to what I had done until then, and, after 49 years of career, I leave my comfort zone and start a new stage. I would say that until this moment I wanted to put poetry in my painting, now I want to paint poetry.

Ni una engruna de mi
Dichoso el árbol
Globus de foc
Jo no sé ni com se diu