Exhibition "La otra cara del mediterráneo" in the Espai Lluís Ribas, Sant Cugat del Vallès

17 December, 2020

I inaugurate an inedit exhibition "The other face of the Mediterranean" to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Espai Lluís Ribas in Sant Cugat.

The magnificent singer-songwriter Aute has a song in which I feel very identified: "El niño que miraba al mar" (The boy who looked at the sea). I would say the boy who looked and looks at the Mediterranean.

I was born in El Masnou, a coastal town north of Barcelona. As a child I spent a lot of time not only looking at the sea but living the sea. I fished, sailed, swam, played in the sand. The Mediterranean, where dolphins jumped beside us as we swam, offshore you could see the giant turtles, it was a time when this sea of ours was full of life. Where on the beach, we young people had our first love stories, where, at night, the hormones shone as bright as the stars. This Mediterranean, so close, so intimate, so deep, I have always painted it as a paradise in my memories.

But now, I have seen another Mediterranean, I have made a reflection, now there are no more dolphins or turtles jumping, we have killed it. But not only that, we have turned it into a barrier where many illusions and hopes are drowned, a barrier that separates rich and poor, a barrier where life is literally drowned.

To this I dedicate my new work, and I only ask you to reflect with me on this sea of ours.

The event was attended by the Mayor of Sant Cugat Mireia Ingla, the councilor of culture Esther Madrona, the former mayor of Sant Cugat and former Councilor Lluís Recoder, among other personalities, and on the 30th the Minister of Culture of the Generalitat Ms. Àngels Ponsa visited the exhibition, since the day of the inauguration could not attend for reasons of agenda.
